Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ideas that can change the world - brochure

“If scientists could prove we are all related,
would that stop wars? “
Katie aged nine

Original ideas can come from all kinds of places.

Young people often have the best ideas of all.

They see solutions where others see only problems and imagine ways to make our troubled world a better place.

They might be ideas about confronting environmental problems, of making businesses benefit everyone or ways of making their homes, schools, neighbourhoods and the wider world a better place.

In short, ideas that might change the way we all live.

But most have no way to see if their ideas can really make a difference.

Until now.

IDEAS THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD is a project in schools across England that will tap into the fresh and exciting ideas of young people and help the best of them become reality.

It will give the young people access to the knowledge and tools that can make their ideas happen.

Its aim is to connect these bright young people with the industries, policy makers and planners that can turn their ideas into reality.

It is being run by Creative Partnerships and will launch in schools across Britain in 2007. The young people taking part will come from areas of significant economic deprivation. Young people have chosen five key themes for the programme:

• Compassion
• Environment
• Money
• Technology
• The Impossible Dream (blue sky thinking)

How will it work?

Businesses, policy makers and planners have the expertise and knowledge that young people in schools need to help them develop their ideas.

Young people in Creative Partnership areas will work with their teachers to submit ideas.

Then a panel of young people and experts will then choose the ideas that can be developed into projects. Businesses and experts will be identified to help.

The experts will come many different fields: artists, scientists, designers, engineers, industry experts, philosophers, writers and more. They’ll engage in dialogue with the young innovators to discuss the ideas and develop them.

Organisations who take part will give the young people access to the most cutting edge thinking, processes, and materials.

By creating these forums for the discussion and development of ideas, IDEAS THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD will support schools to embrace innovation and enterprise.

Who will benefit

Business and organisations will be associated with a dynamic nationwide creative project. Their partnership may produce ideas that will benefit them and the world. They’ll be nurturing the future and working with schools in a collaborative and unique way. Scientists, designers and engineers will gain a fresh perspective by working with young people.

Teachers will work creatively and strategically with local, national and global businesses. By working in partnership with entrepreneurs, businesses, designer and scientists, teachers will have the opportunity to develop new and exciting content for their lessons. New partnerships between business and schools will give teachers from different disciplines opportunities to collaborate across the curriculum.

Young people will have a unique opportunity to work alongside forward thinking external partners and experts. They will develop their thinking and increase their understanding of current developments in science, technology and engineering. They will learn about finance and intellectual property. Young people will work in teams and understand the processes required to turn ideas into reality. Ideas that can change the world will promote global awareness amongst young people and give them the knowledge they need to better understand global issues

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